Bigyet cozy


but tender

Magicaland real

Enter a world of excitement,
intimacy & beauty...

At the last edition of Belgrade Tango Encuentro we had tanguer@s from:
Juana y Chicho

Agustina y Carlitos

Ariadna y Fernando

Clarisa y Jonathan


DJ Francesco Cieschi

DJ Mauro Berardi

DJ Osky Casas
Zagreb / Buenos Aires

DJ Andjela Djiki Ristic

DJ Fernando Corrado
Barcelona / Buenos Aires

DJ Ramo

DJ Luka Radunović

DJ Dushica

Orquesta Tanguango

your trip
and save money
By booking early, even before you register, you can take a more budget-conscious approach. Use our trip planner to easily find flights and accommodation.
Easily check flights and accommodation
Some BTE classes are sold out within only a couple of days, so be quick to choose your favorite topics with your favorite teachers!

Clarisa y Jonathan
Intermediate / Advanced
Clarisa y Jonathan’s Specialty: Changes in Dynamics
Contrasts and explosions applied to music

Agustina y Carlitos
Colgadas and elastics
Sequences to apply to social dance

Juana y Chicho

Agustina y Carlitos
Intermediate / Advanced
Show the melody and rhythm at the same time
Useful sequences

Juana y Chicho
Complex sequences

Ariadna y Fernando
Intermediate / Advanced
The pause.
How to dance the pause in orchestras like Troilo and Pugliese. Pleasure and freedom of movement

Ariadna y Fernando
Intermediate / Advanced
Complex sacadas explained in a simple way

Clarisa y Jonathan
Intermediate / Advanced
Turns’ secrets for both roles
Enrosques and calecitas

Ariadna y Fernando
Intermediate / Advanced
Milonga: the fun part!
Sequences that we like

Ariadna y Fernando
Intermediate / Advanced
D’Arienzo’s rhythm!
Sequences to apply on the dance floor. Simple and effective

Agustina y Carlitos
Vals me baby!
Combinations of turns and changes of direction for vals

Francesco Cieschi
All Levels
Special workshop for tango DJs

Clarisa y Jonathan
Intermediate / Advanced
Hip as a game changer
Looseness, projection and effects. Benefits and Strengthening exercises, for both roles

Juana y Chicho
Ganchos & boleos

Agustina y Carlitos
Different ways to dance the melody. Movement and fluency

Juana y Chicho
Sacadas for men and women

Clarisa y Jonathan
Intermediate / Advanced
Play with me: Free leg
Techniques for lapiz, boleos, and ornaments. Delicate definition of the movements

Agustina y Carlitos
Intermediate / Advanced
A la carte for social dance

Clarisa y Jonathan
Intermediate / Advanced
Play in 360°! Improve your circular sequences
Exercises and movements for social dance in tight spaces

Ariadna y Fernando
Feel the Waltz: Movements that apply
Create difference from milonga and tango

MilongaBelgrade Tango Encuentro kicks off with a warm-up milonga on Wednesday, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience.
MilongasFour nights of your blood saturated with endorphin, as you never experienced it before at one tango event! It is huge, glamorous and intimate at the same time.
MILONGASDaylight brings a special charm to the floor! Embrace the whole tango world, while being embraced by the sunshine. And the river is only a couple of steps away...
Yes, we know, it's hard to get enough of it! If you can take extra day(s) off, stay with us for the afterparties. The last touch of this spring whirl. Lose yourself to... hugs in Belgrade.
The Venue
Discover the grandiose home of Belgrade Tango Encuentro…
…and try to feel its vibe
The home of Belgrade Tango Encuentro is big enough to accept the whole tango world. Still, you will not get lost in this big world, and you will not get overwhelmed by its size.Instead of that, you will find many ‘neighbourhoods’ and enjoy its dynamics and variety.
While being a part of this big tango world, you will never be surrounded by more than 100 people, and you will be able to move and discover new parts of this world, new neighbourhoods, new dancing partners and new friends. The only thing you will be lost in is its beauty. And, yes, you will fall in love.

Brough to you by
We are one of the world’s biggest tango organizations
Our mission is to spread tango and develop tango communities as spaces for a healthy and creative approach to life. That’s why all our events are designed to serve this purpose.

Our otherEvents
New Year’s Belgrade Tango Marathon
Exchange your New Year’s wishes and sparkly holiday moments in a cosy, friendly atmosphere!
Share the merry-go-round of emotions in a non-stop ronda with good dancers from all over the globe!Bratislava Tango Festival
The Golden Experience in the heart of Europe, organized together with our friends from Tango Vida Bratislava. The end of September in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Summer Tango Camp
Tango and much more in the breathtaking nature of Montenegrin mountains – true tango Woodstock with hundreds of tanguer@s at extremely affordable prices.
Belgrade Summer Tango Marathon
Late summer vibes in cozy arty surrounding. Experience the true charm of Belgrade and its tango. Touch, taste, feel: what you’ll get here is pure pleasure (and sunshine!)
Belgrade Tango Weekends
Meet Belgrade – one of the most dynamic tango communities in Europe! Exciting super-affordable monthly festivalitos (few timers per year) with dance performances, live music, good local DJs, and many dancing hours.