Partner Event
If you want to prolong your late spring tango adventure, we suggest you to combine Belgrade Tango Encuentro with SPQR marathon in Rome. SPQR is a well-known event, that is organized twice a year: fall edition, in 2024. 3-6. October, and spring edition May 23-26. If you join both SPQR and Encuentro, for two weekends in a row, you will get a perfect mixture, with 8-10 days of high-quality dancing, and 2 days for traveling and resting in between. Adding some days before SPQR and after Encuentro, to spend some relaxing hours in these 2 vibrant and very different cities, with strong and very different cultural heritage, will make this journey your best journey of the year. Treat yourself with this prolonged tango vacation and you will not regret a thing!
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